Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just to prove Earl Wrong

Well it looks like Earl was wrong again here is my next post.I figured what the heck just sitting at home bored. Here is an update for the Cinderella costume Jen and I went to the Halloween store tonight and tried to find a dress that would fit fat me and just my luck the one blue Cinderella dress they had was sold already so we looked at wigs and found a fifteen dollar plus tax one. It is blonde of course we will just have to make it into a bun so it works. This is going to be the most embarrasing thing ever but oh well what I wouldn't do for Theresa. Here is the pictures of the wig.


Jennifer said...

HA HA HA HA HA Isn't that the est wig ever??

Earl & Jenn Quigley said...

thats too funny!!!! email me your address so i can send you fifty bucks... it was worth it just to see you in a wig

Anonymous said...

I don't care what your mom says, YOU ARE PRETTY! =)

Elizabeth said...

kudos to you for allowing these pictures to be sent into cyber space for everyone in the world to see!

Jim and Heather on Meerkat said...

You are such a fun guy! We love you!!!!! Thanks for not being a stick in the mud. :)

Earl & Jenn Quigley said...

dude... looks like you need me to shave your back again...

Meghan said...

I will send you a check for $10. Gimmee your address.